Rosliston Friday Evening 24th June (R£Ex Bleakman)


Despite Friday’s torrential rain, which must have put some off, a few hardy types turned out to try this new area. The more direct routes for the short and long score meant fighting the neck high nettles and dense undergrowth. So several competitors went home with tingling legs.


Thanks to Mike and Liz Godfree plus Val and Graham Johnson for their help.




White (1.5km)

Megan Wheeldon  M.P.S.   W11     8.50

Emma Clark          M.P.S.    W11     9.12

Dominic Williams D.V.O      M8     26.00


Yellow (2.2km)

Madelaine Williams   DVO    W10    13.24

Sarah Duckworth      DVO               33.30


Short Score

Peter Hornsby       LEI      M50       31,28

Rachel Davis          DVO                   54.58

Paul Williams         DVO    M40        62.13


James Hornsby    LEI  M16  Missed 15/20

Long Score 

Bruce Bryant       OD        M45         38.18

Liz  Godfree        DVO      W55        43.23

Mike  Godfree     DVO      M55         43.42

Graham  Johnson DVO      M45         45.46

Mike Gardner      DVO      M45         46.00

Liz Phillips           OD        W40         46.49

Ian Parfitt          DVO      M55          48.50

M.   Sherriff       LEI       M40           55.00

Sue Russell         DVO      Young         59.10

D.P. Morrow        WA                         65.00

Steve Taylor                    M21           71.38

Liddy Loudon                    W21           82.40


Mark Thomson FVO M40 Missed 16